Maintenance of Pregnant Desi/Indigenous Cows Ration for BPL families of all Categories

About 6.5 Lakh cows and buffaloes become pregnant every year in the state. They remain in lactation of about 6 to 7th month of pregnancy, thereafter a dry period of three months...

Krishak Bakri Palan Yojna

Goat farming is a traditional occupation of economically weaker segments of the society (small and marginal farmers, mainly nomads and landless labourers) in Himachal Pradesh....

Pregnant Desi/Indigenous Cow/Buffalo Ration Scheme for BPL families belonging to SC category

About 6.5 Lakh cows and buffaloes become pregnant every year in the state. They remain in lactation of about 6 to 7th month of pregnancy, thereafter a dry period of three months...

Scheme of Provision of subsidized Rams to sheep breeders

Sheep rearing is one of the main occupations of the people in Himachal Pradesh. Rampur Bushari and Gaddi breeds of Himachal Pradesh are famous for indigenous carpet wool...